Brian's Applescripts

Please feel free to use the following applescripts. I try to support them, within reason. I am interested in comments or improvements.

To Download: save the .scpt files to your Library/Scripts/ folder after enabling Applescript by running "Install Script Menu" in your Applications/Applescript folder.
Stack Windows.scpt
Re-stacks windows from top left - useful if you lose them off the screen.

PubMed to BibTex.scpt and (Supporting Perl Script)
- Converts PubMed entries to BibTex and helps you enter them in a .bib file. See instructions in .scpt file.

There is an alternative, very useful on-line utility for doing this without applescript - see TeXMed

Mail to iCal.scpt
- Tries to put the selected email notification of an event and into iCal. To install, download and and put them in your ~/bin directory. Then edit the applescript and change (two) instances of /Users/brian to /Users/yourname where the .pl scripts are called.

Paste to iCal.scpt
- Takes a date from the clipboard and opens an event in iCal at that date (and time). NOTE: There is some scripting bug with iCal and timezones so when you enter events with this, the times can get changed later. BAD, but I haven't fixed it yet!

Open Terminal Here.scpt
- Opens a terminal window at the selected folder (or folder containing the selected file). This is the reverse of "open ." in a shell. A more established drag-n-drop version is here. (I just tried to copy the idea, since I don't like drag-n-drop as much.)

Quit Main Apps.scpt
- Quits a specified list of applications (gracefully). There are many different versions of this on web sites etc. I find it useful to keep a list of what to quit (see script).

Find Duplicate Tracks.scpt
- Finds tracks in iTunes Library that have the same name and duration, putting them into a new playlist so that they can be removed using option-delete. Apple put this feature into iTunes now!

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